This program is designed for students of higher medical educational institutions. Its main objective is the development by students of the methods of clinical and physical examination of the patient with the identification of individual clinical symptoms and syndromes with subsequent interpretation of the data.
In practical exercises, special attention should be paid to the development of:
- skills of clinical and physical examination of the patient;
-interpretation of special examination methods (laboratory, biochemical, immune, instrumental);
Also, great attention should be paid to the formation of the student’s clinical thinking and continuous self-education skills to improve the quality of training of future specialists.
When studying the course “Cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems”, teaching methods should be used:
- work of students in lectures and practical classes;
- work with sketches of pathology schemes and visual aids;
- examination of patients with various pathological symptoms and syndromes;
- An in-depth study of individual sections of the course on reference books and monographs;
Total labor input: 1 credit (17 hours)
Classroom sessions: 17 hours
Students’ independent work: 8 hours
Semester: 4
Final control: exam