Our courses
Otorhinolaryngology is a special clinical discipline that studies the morphological and physiological characteristics of the pathology of the ear and upper respiratory tract. The ear and the upper respiratory tract are primarily affected by harmful environmental factors: noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, dust, various chemical compounds, angular and rectilinear accelerations, many times higher than the sensitivity thresholds; ENT organs are …
This program is designed for students of higher medical educational institutions. The study of this discipline allows students to use theoretical knowledge in genetics, and clinical practice, to diagnose hereditary diseases. In addition, the course includes the study of the principles of clinical diagnosis and semiotics of hereditary diseases, as well as the principles of treatment, prevention and clinical …
In the course of studying the module of “Nervous system”, students develop knowledge of the morphofunctional fundamentals of the nervous system, pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of neurological disorders and the skills of topical diagnosis of lesions of the nervous system. The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the study of the nervous system in the form …
This program of immunology and allergology is compiled in accordance with the standards of GOST VPO, with regard for the requirements and standards of WFME, MCI, PMDC for higher medical educational institutions. The curriculum provides uniform requirements for the content, goals, expected learning outcomes and professional competencies in the field of immunology and allergology, to the level of students' …
The urgency of the problem of tuberculosis in the world is extremely high. According to the WHO, 1/3 of the world's population is infected with a tuberculosis infection, and there are 16-20 million patients with active forms of tuberculosis in the world, while every 4 seconds one person becomes infected, and every 10 seconds one person in the world …
This program is designed for students of higher medical educational institutions. The high frequency of damage to organs and tissues of the oral cavity is largely due to the peculiarities of their structure and functions, constant contact with the external environment, the presence of microflora, a variety of types of load, etc. Dentistry as a science, and the …
Ophthalmology is a special clinical discipline that studies the anatomy and physiology of the organ of vision and its adnexa, eye diseases, and also develops treatment and prevention methods. A knowledge of ophthalmology is necessary for future doctors, since a significant number of eye diseases is a manifestation of many pathological processes developing in various systems and organs …
This program is designed for students of higher medical educational institutions. Its main task is for students to master the methodology for examining a patient with highlighting individual symptoms of a lesion with their subsequent grouping into syndromes, and determining the level of topical lesion, which will make it possible to compare the level of lesion with modern diagnostic …
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