Events on the 90th anniversary of the great contemporary writer Chyngyz Aitmatov are being held in Kyrgyzstan and abroad. The decree on a celebration of the 90th anniversary of Chyngyz Aitmatov throughout the year of 2018 was signed by the president of the Kyrgyz Republic in April 2017.
Chyngyz Aitmatov - People's Writer of the Kyrgyz people. According to UNESCO, Aitmatov is one of the most widely read authors of modern times. His works have been translated into more than 176 languages and published in 128 countries of the world with a circulation of more than 100 million copies. The writer was born in 1928 in the village of Sheker, Talas region and died at the age of 79 in 2008 in Germany.
In honor of the 90th anniversary of the great writer, the Chyngyz Aitmatov Kyrgyz language center was opened at Humanities Department of International School of Medicine (ISM) and a cultural event dedicated to Chyngyz Aitmatov was organized.
The concert was opened by the Rector of ISM - Akhunbaev S.M. and Head of Humanities Department Alymkulova N.N., they emphasized the importance of the event not only for the Kyrgyz people but also for the other nations, as his works were translated into a lot of languages.
Students of ISM prepared musical performances based on the works of the writer, recitals in the Kyrgyz language, and of course famous “Kara Zhorgo” dance.
Administration of ISM thanks the faculty of Humanities Department and students who participated in this event and wishes all the success in their endeavor.