

Dear students of International Higher School of Medicine,


The curfew will imposed in Bishkek starting from March 25, 2020 to A[ril 15, 2020. Movement of citizens will be limited from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.


In addition, some citizens are prohibited from leaving their homes (apartments) or places where they are being observed or treated for a specified period.


Units of the Armed Forces and internal affairs bodies will be involved in the protection of public order, strategic facilities and facilities ensuring life-sustaining activity of the population.


During the state of emergency, entertainment, sports and other public events, as well as strikes, meetings, rallies, street processions, demonstrations and pickets, are prohibited.


Violators of public order, who are not residents of the area where the state of emergency was introduced, including foreigners, will be expelled at their expense to the place of their permanent residence or outside the area.


Special rules for using communications are introduced.


The movement of vehicles, including foreign ones, is restricted and their inspection is carried out, with the exception of the transport of diplomatic services.


Documents can be checked in crowded places.


For citizens residing in the territory where a state of emergency is declared, the following additional duties are introduced:


— Take early measures to ensure their own safety;

— Observe safety measures in everyday activities, avoid violations that may lead to the spread of coronavirus infection;

— Study the rules for using personal protective equipment;

— Assist government bodies and organizations in preventing the spread of coronavirus infection;

— Inform the relevant state authorities about the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection.


Everyone can contribute to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.


In case of emergency, call the following contact numbers:


Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Usenova A.A. (+996 701 35 05 09)

Dean - Satarkulova A.M. +996 702 88 07 77…/147794__State_of_emergency_in_Kyrgyzstan_N…/