New opportunities with BAPIO training academy

With great pleasure, it is announced that, the administration of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM)  in collaboration with the ISM Edutech PVT LTD  @ismedutechpvtltd will receive a delegation of the BAPIO Training Academy,  the United Kingdom (UK), on 3-4  June 2022. 

During the meeting, the training opportunities for the IHSM students at the UK hospitals will be discussed.

BAPIO Training Academy (BTA) is the training and education arm of the British Association of Physicians, and important pillar with its strategic approach to promoting professional & clinical excellence.

Our guests will conduct
an Introduction Session with students (online+offline) on 3rd June at the conference hall (2nd floor) at 5 pm.

📌Join the session online via the link

We keep searching and creating best opportunities for our students.