Bangladesh Football League – 2022
An inter-university football tournament was organized for the students from People's Republic of Bangladesh studying in the Kyrgyz Republic by the representative of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) - Dr. Md Nazmul Hasan.
Dr. Md Nazmul Hasan completed MD from the IHSM in January 2021 and currently is doing his residency in Orthopedic & Traumatology at the IHSM. Moreover, he is representing the IHSM in Bangladesh during an admission process.
The main goal of the football league was to strengthen friendship between the students from Bangladesh, where the Dean of the IHSM - Ainura M. Satarkulova brightened up the event with her presence as the chief guest. Every team performed extraordinary, but only two teams could get to the finals.
The final match was played between IMU BD FC and IUK LIONS, where the first team won the match and was titled as champions of Bangladesh Football League – 2022, Kyrgyzstan. Trophies and cash prizes were awarded by Dr. Md Nazmul Hasan.