Жаңылыктар жана окуялар
On December 22, 2021, faculty members of the basic pharmacology of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) organized and conducted an offline round table on the topic: " Widely used medicines in the treatment of CVS and gastrointestinal tract d
Representatives of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) Professor Uzakov Orozali, Doc…
Surgical workshop
Student Council of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM)successfully organized Surgica…
XXIII World congress "Health & Education Millennium"
Pranali Choudhary, a student of the propedotherapy department, attended the 23rd Congress of Young …
Physics Olympiad "Physics in Medicine"
On December 20, 2021, a physics Olympiad for students of the 1st …
Charity activities of the students and faculty members
Little by little, bit by bit, person by person, so much good can be done, on so many levels.&…
Application deadlines Application process for students applying to Residency program will …
IHSM received an appreciation letter
On 17th December 2021, Vice-Dean and Chairman of the professional union committee – Mukambeto…
A remembrance ceremony for shuhada-e-APS
16th December 2014, International Academic Union Team Dean Office marked the date of the world'…
КР Президентине караштуу Мамлекеттик тил жана тил саясаты боюнча улуттук комиссия жыл жыйынтоочу иш…
Visit of Dr. Marina Tropmann-Frick to the IHSM
Within the framework of the project Erasmus Plus DERECKA, Dr. Marina Tropmann-Frick, a professor a…
International Festival "Kyrgyz Songs Performed by Foreign Students"
In honor of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Language of the Kyrgyz Rep…
International festival of Kyrgyz songs and dances performed by foreign students at the Kyrgyz National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev
On 14th December 2021, international festival of Kyrgyz songs and dances performed by foreign stude…
«Кыргыз ырлары чет ѳлкѳлүк студенттердин аткаруусунда» аттуу эл аралык фестивалы
Кыргыз Республикасынын Президентине караштуу Мамлекеттик тил жана тил саясаты боюнча улуттук комисс…