Kick-Off Meeting

On January 11th and 12th, 2024, representatives of the International Higher School of Medicine participated in Kick-Off Meeting in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Esteemed participants included heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives from the European Union, Erasmus+, and the GREENKG project consortium coordinators, rectors, and members of the media.

The primary purpose of this meeting was to facilitate direct interaction among consortium members, providing an opportunity to thoroughly review project goals, objectives, and delineation of responsibilities. The agenda encompassed in-depth discussions on communication strategies, dissemination plans, quality assurance, and project work packages. Furthermore, the establishment of a Steering Committee and a Project Management Board were key milestones.

This collaborative effort is designed to enhance communication, ensure successful dissemination of project outcomes, and establish a robust framework for quality assurance, steering the project towards its objectives. The commitment and engagement of all stakeholders are integral to the success of this initiative.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this transformative journey together! 🌍🤝
#KickOffMeeting #ProjectCollaboration #educationpartnership