Letter of information

International Higher School of Medicine kindly informs you about the following. 


IHSM is conducting its activities since its establishment in 2003 and has used its brand name as the International School of Medicine (ISM). In fact, that, the official name of our organization in accordance with the Charter, Certificate of State Registration, License, and legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic is International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), indicating the level of education - “Higher” in three languages such as Kyrgyz, Russian, as well as English. 


Taking into consideration the above mentioned, hereby we confirm and respectfully request for further use as “INTERNATIONAL HIGHER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE”. For more information about us, please visit our website or contact us by the number above.


 In short: The main prerequisite for establishment of the school was a strategy of reforming Kyrgyz education system and increasing competitiveness of domestic universities, which resulted in the main emphasis of IHSM administration and faculty being focused on the creation of a modern dynamic educational institution that can provide high quality training and has competitive potentials in the medical education market. Currently, the IHSM is a modern university with a comprehensive infrastructure, and experienced faculty members that are nationally and some of them worldwide recognized specialists in different areas of medicine, professional health organizations and agencies.