Round-table “Development of the master’s program in “Public Health”: Challenges and Prospects»

The administration of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) conducted a round-table “Development of the master’s program in “Public Health”: Challenges and Prospects» on April 21st, 2022 at its main campus.

The purpose of the round-table was to discuss the results of the introduction of master's degree programs in "Public Health" and develop measures for further collaboration between interested parties to improve the content and quality of master's programs in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

Tasks of the round-table:

▪️Summarize the results of the work done (results achieved, strengths and weaknesses
parties, lessons learned in the process of implementation).

▪️ Determine the necessary activities and conditions for further implementation and
improve the quality of master's programs, primarily in "Public Health", in accordance with the needs of those interested parties.

▪️ Review and discuss existing barriers and recommendations for improving competencies of the faculty members  and invite qualified specialists for academic and scientific work in universities.

▪️ Discuss the possibilities of improving the administration of master's programs.

▪️ Discuss opportunities and necessary steps to establish a long-term and sustainable cooperation between relevant government departments,
specialized universities and the business community to train highly qualified staff that meets the needs of the public health sector.

The round-table was opened by the Rector of the IHSM – Stalbek Akhunbaev and the reports of participants on the relevant topics were discussed.