The interdepartmental scientific and practical online conference

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the interdepartmental scientific and practical online conference with international participation "Demographic transition and aging issues in biochemical and pathophysiological aspects" dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology Kasenov Kozhantay Urazovich and  the 30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will be held on November 19, 2021.

     Young scientists, students, master's students, postgraduates, doctoral students, researchers, pathologists, specialists in the field of biochemistry, public and practical health are invited to participate.


The main purpose of the conference:

 The main attention will be paid to strengthening interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between scientists  of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the countries of near and far abroad during the conference. It is planned to discuss the most relevant areas of modern research, as well as to outline ways of their further development.

Conference sections:

I-section. Modern understanding of aging. Socio-economic significance of aging.

II-section. Molecular and biochemical aspects of aging.

III-section. Pathophysiology and methodological approaches to the prevention of aging.


The main directions of the conference:

  1. Humanities: history, philosophy, political science.

2. Molecular biology, Biochemistry.

3. Physiology, Pathophysiology.

4.Public health and health organization.

5.Clinical and laboratory diagnostics.

6.Morphology. Pathomorphology. Forensic medicine.

7. Clinical disciplines: a. Surgical profile. b. Non-surgical profile


Hosts of the conference:

 NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University", Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe city, Department of "Pathological Physiology", Department of Chemical Disciplines.

The form of the conference – online form, on the WEBEX platform.

Time of the conference: 09.00-17.00

Official languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.


Forms of participation:

- Online (oral speach)

- Online (oral communication + publication of the article)

- Correspondence (only publication of the article)


The application for participation in the conference and the title of the report must be sent to the organizing committee in electronic form by October 17, 2021

 (Annex 1) to create the conference program.

Articles are accepted (attached file) by e-mail: The application for participation in the conference and the text of the articles for publication must be sent to the organizing committee in electronic form by October 24, 2021.

The name of the file is given by the surname of the first author.If several works are submitted, the file name is «Autor¢s surname_1»,«Autor¢s surname_2», etc.


The cost of publication is 700 tenge per page (payment for publication is made only after confirmation of acceptance for printing, a scanned copy of the receipt must be sent by e-mail). The cost of the printed version is 1100 tenge.


The articles will be published in the collection "A series of conferences of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology Kasenov Kozhantay Urazovich and  the 30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The above-mentioned journal is indexed in the RSCI database. (Russian Science Citation Index)

 Additional information is available on the website in the "Announcements" section.

The detailed program of the conference will be provided later.


Payment details:

Payment in tenge

NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University" Republic of Kazakhstan,Aktobe,

Maresyev Street 68

Phone.: +7(7132)563425,


BIN 990240007563

IIC KZ328560000000064698 (KZ - тенге)


Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector Ismagulova E.K.

2.JSC "HALYK BANK"                                                                                        


KZ446017121000000211(KZ - тенге)


Payment in foreign currency


NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University" Rebublic of Kazachstan,Aktobe,

Maresyev Street 68

Phone.: +7(7132)563425,



BIN 990240007563

TIN  061800015595 (taxpayer identification number)

IIC KZ166017121000000230 (USD)


Кбе 16

JSC "HALYK BANK"                                                                                           



Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector Ismagulova E.K.


NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University" Rebublic of Kazachstan,Aktobe,

Maresyev Street 68

Phone.: +7(7132)563425,


BIN 990240007563

TIN  061800015595 (taxpayer identification number

IIC KZ8260171 21000000206(EUR)


Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector Ismagulova E.K.


NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University" Rebublic of Kazachstan,Aktobe,

Maresyev Street 68

Phone.: +7(7132)563425,


BIN 990240007563

TIN  061800015595 (taxpayer identification number)

IIC KZ4860017121000000139 (RUB)


Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector Ismagulova E.K.


In the purpose of payment, it is necessary to indicate the surname, first name

"For the publication of an article in materials in the international scientific and practical conference of NJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University"


 Send publications by mail E-mail:

Contact information:

68 Maresyev str., Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan

Department of Pathological Physiology and Department of Chemical Disciplines


If you have any questions, please contact:

1.Aliyeva Lidiya  Muzapharovna, master of medical sciences, Senior lecturer of  Pathological Physiology Department , 87028936467 (on the issues of the section № 1,3)

2.Akhmetova Ulday Zhaksybaevana, 870585004027, master of medical sciences, teacher of of Pathological Physiology Department  (on the issues of the section №1,3)

3.Bessimbayeva Zhanat, master of natural sciences, Senior teacher of Chemical disciplines Department (on the issues of the section №2)

4.Doszhanov Zhankeldy Alievich, Master of Engineering Science, a teacher of Chemical disciplines Department (on the issues of the section №2)


                                                                                                    APPENDIX 1

                                                                  REGISTRATION FORM 

for participation in the conference

Full name (full)


Contact information (phone, e-mail).


Place of work


Position, academic degree, academic title


Abstract topic


Form of participation(underline)

ð oral report

ð oral report+article publication

ð only publication of the article




                                                                                           APPENDIX 2

Rules for publications

in the collection "A series of conferences of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”


Articles written in Kazakh, Russian and English are accepted. Authors must submit a paper that has not been previously published in other publications (except for publications in the form of a thesis).


Rules for the design of the article

  • The volume of the original article is at least 1,700 words (not including summaries, tables, illustrations and references).
  • Manuscripts of original articles should have the following sections: "Introduction", "Methods", "Results" and "Discussion of results". The allocation of conclusions to a separate section is not mandatory.
  • The volume of the manuscript of the review article should be 2500 or more words (not including summaries, tables, illustrations and references).
  • Review articles are structured at the request of the author
  • The text of the article is prepared in the Microsoft Word program in Times New Roman font size of 12 points with a line spacing of 1.5
  • Portrait orientation with upper and lower margins – 20 mm, left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm. Do not allow word hyphenation.
  • The title page indicates:

Title of the article

Surnames and initials of each of the

The full name of all organizations to which the authors belong. If the authors work in different institutions, then the communication of each author with his organization is carried out using an uppercase number.

Email автора, отвечающего за переписку с редакцией

  • Summary (abstract): for Kazakh authors in English, Kazakh and Russian; for authors from near abroad - in Russian and English; for authors from far abroad - in English.
  • The volume of the resume should be at least 200, but not more than 300 words.
  • The summary for original research should have a structured form: purpose, methods, results, conclusions. In the section "Results" in the summary, the editorial board recommends giving the numerical values of the results obtained and the achieved levels of significance when testing statistical hypotheses.
  • The first is a summary in the language in which the main text of the article is written. Then, on the other two. For example, if the article is written in Kazakh, then first a summary and keywords are presented in Kazakh, then in Russian and English.
  • Under the resume there are 5-7 keywords reflecting the problems studied during the research.
  • The list of references is drawn up in accordance with the Vancouver style, preferably with an indication at the end of the source of the DOI index (digital object identifier, unique digital identifier of the article. For example:

    Marx W. Tracking historical papers and their citations. European Science   

     Editing 2012;38(2):35–37

  • Bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals as they are cited in the text of the article.
  • It is advisable to refer to more modern publications (no older than 2004).

For original articles, the number of sources should not exceed 30, for review articles - 50.

  • The editorial board recommends in the list of references to maintain a balance between national and Russian (in total ~ 50%) and publications from abroad published in international peer-reviewed publications (~ 50%).
  • The editorial board does not welcome references to abstracts, abstracts of dissertations. References should be verified by the authors of the manuscript with the original documents. The author is fully responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic sources.
  • After the section "Conclusion" (conclusions), the editorial board welcomes additional information from the authors about the contribution of each of the authors, within the framework of which project the work was carried out, sources of funding, conflict of interests and words of gratitude.
  • Rejected articles are not returned.