On 7th October of 2018, Ph.D., Biology lecturer -Kostritsyna Tatiyana Vladimirovna organized a tour for students of the 2nd semester around suburban pools and lakes near village Ozernoe. The main goal of this tour was to observe the seasonal migration of birds. The tour was supported with the instructive lecturer, Execute Director of Kyrgyz Wild Life Conservation Society, the leading ornithologist, and ecologist, Ph.D. Kulagin S.M.
Students learned a comprehensive practical lesson during this tour, which demonstrated flocks of migrating birds of various species such as storks, geese, sea-gulls, and ducks. The lecturer paid special attention to medical aspects (significance) of birds migration. During migratory movements, birds carry pathogens that can be spread between species at times of breeding, wintering, and stopover places where numerous birds of various species are concentrated. During these yearly migrations, birds have the potential of dispersing microorganisms that can be dangerous for the public as well as animal health. For instance, birds are believed to be responsible for the wide geographic distribution of various pathogens, including viruses (e.g., West Nile, Sindbis, influenza A, Newcastle), bacteria (e.g., borrelia mycobacteria, salmonellae), and protozoa (e.g., cryptosporidia).
Within the tour, the students were energized by the excitement and discovered a lot about the migration of birds.