Биздин команда

Узаков Орозали Жаанбаевич
Илимий иштер, мамлекеттик тил жана тил саясаты боюнча проректор, м.и.д., профессор

1972-1978 – Kyrgyz State Medical Institute, department of Pediatrics.

1978-1980- Pediatrician of Jalal-Abad City Hospital;

1980-1984- Graduate student(aspirant) at the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics;

1984-1997- Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of Kyrgyz Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics;

1997-2002 - Head of the Department of Medical Work, Head of the Medical Center, Vice-Rector for Medical Work of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy;

2002 to the present - Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and State Language of International School of Medicine; Head of the department of International Innovative Management of the Russian Academy of postgraduate education.

2005-President of the Central Asian Branch of the International Academy of Sciences and Education. Co-Head of Kyrgyz-Chinese Cardiovascular Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. President of the "Eurasian professional association of doctors and provisors" 


1985, Research Institute of Especially Dangerous Infections, Russia, Stavropol, specializing in especially dangerous infections.

1986, Breathing school. Bologoye, Russia, specializing in pulmonology and allergology.

1992, 1993, 1998, 2001. University of Kansas - Pulmonology and Allergology, Mercy Missouri Hospital - Allergology, Reno, Nevada with a degree in Family Medicine and Management, Washington with a degree in Healthcare Management, USA.

1997 – clinical medicine, Ankara, Turkey. 

1998 - telemedicine, University of Tromsø, city of Tromsø. Norway.

1996 - doctors against violence, participation in the meeting of the G8 countries. Moscow, Russia.

2001, 2005, 2007, 2009 – allergology and pulmunology, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

2011 - specialization in pediatrics and topical issues of allergology. Academy of Postgraduate Education FMBA, Moscow, Russia.

2012 - visiting professor in pediatrics at Asfendiarov University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 

2018-2019 short courses on accreditation of educational institutions, ISO. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

2019 Healthcare management. City of San Jose. Silicon Valley. California. USA.
