Учебная часть



AMSA Kyrgyzstan organized their orientation program on 16th October 2022 in International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek.
Heads from all the Local Member Organizations as well as their members were invited for the occasion.
We were dumbstruck by the overwhelming support by ISM-IUK, KSMA, and IHSM Students' Council.
The orientation started with a welcome message from Vice-president Membership & Development and Vice-president Internal. It was then handed over to the National Officers of all 5 Standing Committees, NOME, NORA, NOPH, NORP and NEO. They provided a brief understanding of the goals and focus areas of their standing committees and pitched their goals for the term.

The audience was well-informed and indulged in their way of delivery and what they had to offer. The orientation also included some short games and quick questions which kept the audience entertained and excited.
The orientation ended with some musical performances from all the LMOS and a vote of thanks from AMSA Kyrgyzstan's President.