Новости и события
Congratulations on passing the FMGE exam!
Congratulations to our incredible graduates for their outstanding achievement in passing the FMGE e…
IHSM's Short-Term Courses
Explore the world of medicine with IHSM's Short-Term Courses! Are you an aspiring medical stud…
Invitation to the OxCME International Webinar
International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), a proud member of Association of European Faculties…
The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH), in collaboration with the VIVES University of Applied…
Partnership with the University of Estonia, Erasmus+
In the autumn of 2022, International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) proudly announced its success…
Green and Digital Office
We're thrilled to announce that International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), in collaboratio…
Celebrating our Exceptional Rector!
We are thrilled to honor our esteemed Rector of International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) - St…
29-й Всемирный Конгресс по Эхинококкоз
С 28 по 30 августа 2023 года успешно прошел 29-й Всемирный Конгресс по Эхинококкозу, который собрал…
Стратегии Выживания для Молодых Исследователей
Профессора из Ирана с мировой репутацией провели курс "Стратегии Выживания для Молодых Иссл…
Success of our faculty member
We are thrilled to announce that our dedicated faculty member of the Introduction to Internal Medic…
Инновации в сфере медицинской науки и образования» приуроченной 20-летию Международной высшей школы медицины
Международная Высшая Школа медицины приглашает Вас принять участие в работе МЕЖДУНАРОД…
Congratulations of the rector of IHSM Stalbek M. Akhunbaev
Congratulations of the rector of IHSM Stalbek M. Akhunbaev on the start of the new academic year - …
On August 28, the XXIX World Echinococcosis Congress opened at the Medical Academy named after I. Akhunbaev
On August 28, the XXIX World Echinococcosis Congress opened at the Medical Academy named after I. A…