Новости и события
Rx Bricks Scholarship
We are excited to announce annual scholarship program from RX bricks. AMSA-Kyrgyzstan @…
TUNDUK conducted the volleyball tournament on 5th March 2023.
International Student Network - TUNDUK conducted the volleyball tournament on 5th March 2023. Vo…
Спорт менеджментом МНСО " Тундук" был проведен турнир по волейболу
5 марта спорт менеджментом МНСО " Тундук" был проведен турнир по волейболу, где приняли у…
Go night Bishkek
On February 28, 2023, the members of the music section of the Talents Arts Club of the Humanities D…
The 72nd March Meeting General Assembly of the The International Federation of Medical Students Associations
The 72nd March Meeting General Assembly of the The International Federation of Medical Students Ass…
Publication of scientific article at Biomedicine, India
It is with great pleasure, we extend our warmest congratulations to the following faculty members o…
Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Kyrgyz Republic visited the IHSM
On 28th February 2023, Mr. Arun Kumar Chatterjee, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador …
Scientific award named after I.K. Akhunbaev
The administration of the International Higher School fo Medicine (IHSM) extends its warmest congra…
Mother language day at the IHSM
On the 24th of February 2023, the International Student Network (ISN) - Tunduk organized an event t…
"Тил коргоого эмес, колдонулууга муктаж"
Билим берүү жана илим министрлигинин 24-февралда “Сейтек” балдар жана өспүрүмдөр улутту…
Chess competition at the IHSM
On the 27th of February, the International Student Network - Tunduk organized a chess competition a…
Студенттердин сыйлыгы
21-февраль - Эл аралык эне тил күнүндѳ Эл аралык Жогорку Медициналык Мектебинин студенттери: Венкат…
21-февраль – Эл аралык эне тил күнүнѳ карата Гуманитардык сабактар кафедрасы ѳткѳргѳн «…