International Festival "Kyrgyz Songs Performed by Foreign Students"

In honor of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Language of the Kyrgyz Republic  at the International Festival "Kyrgyz Songs Performed by Foreign Students", organized by the National Commission on the State Language and Language Policy under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Internationa Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), the following representatives of the IHSM were  awarded the Diploma of the National Commission on the State Language and Language Policy under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic:

- Head of HR Department - Yarina Marina Narynbekovna.

- Lecturer of the Issyk-Kul regional campus of the IHSM - Derkembaeva Ayzhamal Kerimbekovna.

- Accounting specialist - Osmonalieva Chynargul Azisovna.






The following members of the IHSM received a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic:
 - Vice-Rector for International Affairs - Omurzakova Ainazik Mamatisaevna.

- Head of the Humanities Department - Alymkulova Nuria Nasipkulovna.

- Senior Specialist of the Human Resources Department - Musaeva Baktygul Abdyldaevna.

- Chairman of the professional union committee, Vice-Dean - Mukambetova Jypara Kaldybaevna.

- Head of the Department of State Language - Zairkulova Rimma Zhenishovna.

We are pleased to see our members  receiving appreciations from the government of the Kyrgyz Republic and wish all the best in future endeavors!