Administration of International School of Medicine (ISM) with its talented students held a concert “Kyrgyzstan is my second motherland” at the Kyrgyz National Drama Theater on 24th May 2019.


Honorable guests such as an ex-president of Kyrgyzstan Mrs. Roza Otunbaeva, the representatives of National Commission of State Language, rectors of different institutions in Bishkek, its faculty staff as well as Bishkek residents attended the concert.


Rector of ISM, Professor Akhunbaev S.M. welcomed all the guests and expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the concert, Head of Humanity Department Akymkulova N.N., Vice-dean Muhambetalieva Zh.K. and etc.


The concert program was conducted in collaboration with the Kyrgyz singers, as well as professional dance groups. The students of ISM impressed the guests performing well-known compositions in Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz nomad dance “Kara Jorgo”.


The audience enjoyed the coloring uniqueness of Kyrgyz songs and dances performed by all the participants of the concert.