PLAB and postgraduate program in the UK

Open your door to the United Kingdom! 

IHSM together with Med Educare provides an opportunity for IHSM students to get prepared for the PLAB & Postgraduate Program in the UK.















The PLAB & Postgraduate Program in the UK will enable international medical graduates to demonstrate  necessary  possession of skills and knowledge to practice medicine in the UK.

We invite all interested students to the information session. The session will be held online via zoom on February 24 at 16.00.

- For a link,  send an email request.  with the subject line "PLAB & Postgraduate Program in the UK".

The program is aimed for final year of medical students  in Central Asia, who are keen to give the PLAB examination on graduation.


Content of the teaching program:

1. Lectures to cover common areas covered in the PLAB examination and focussed on what is asked in that topic. There are about 100 topics of high yield questions which  should be known. 

2. Regular training on answering EMQs. 

3. Regular Mock tests and evaluation (as outlined).

4. Orientation and teaching for OSCE examination as well - Theory and practicals. 

5. Passing the IELTS during internship or earlier if it is interested. 

6. Final preparation in the UK on arrival for the PLAB - OSCE



1. Lectures start from March 2022. Every Saturday /Sunday, 90 minutes of topic-oriented teaching and 1 hour of EMQ orientation/solving in real-time. 

2. Once a month introduction to OSCE topics and skills - March 2022 onwards. 

3. One mock test every month - 90 questions to be solved in 90 minutes then related discussion. More such tests nearer the examination. 

4. Online EMQs to be made available from mid-March 2022 onwards - for self-study and homework. 

5. Exam focussed training to happen 2 months before their PLAB-EMQ date.

Hurry up and don't miss this opportunity!