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Professional liability insurance for medical workers

The International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), Medical Clinic of the IHSM "Vedanta" in collaboration with the Kyrgyz Medical Association (KMA) held the International Scientific and Practical round table meeting "Professional Liability Insurance for Medical Workers" on  April 10, 2023, dedicated to the problems of the mechanism of legal protection of a medical worker in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the round table meeting, research materials devoted to the study of social and legal problems of mechanisms for protecting medical workers, namely, “Professional liability insurance for medical workers in Kyrgyzstan” and certain existing experience in the country in line with a conceptual, global approach and specific practical solutions were considered and discussed in a view of new requirements in the healthcare system.

The objective of the round table was to exchange best practices, scientific and analytical information and new ideas aimed at the sustainable development of professional liability insurance for medical workers.

The round table was attended by scientists, representatives of medical institutions of Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of universities, specialized medical associations and the profesional union of medical workers in Kyrgyzstan, as well as practitioners of the healthcare system.

Based on the results of the work, recommendations were developed aimed at taking the necessary measures for sustainable development of professional liability insurance of medical workers.

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