Учебная часть


Student from The University of Sheffield, The Medical School, UK

Mayhook-Walker is a final-year medical student from The University of Sheffield, The Medical School, UK who has been undergoing 6 weeks internship as part of a Short-Term Course at the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 The program was supervised by Aysaev Aziz Yusupdzhanovich, Ph.D. in Medicine, associate professor at the National Hospital under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The IHSM offers short-term courses in medicine specifically designed for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students from developed countries to gain experience in medicine in developing countries. The program is conducted at the IHSM clinical departments, primarily located at the IHSM Medical Clinic “VEDANTA” and other state medical settings.

During the short-term course, India Mayhook-Walker was immersed in the environment of a medical organization that provides medical services to a wide range of the population in Kyrgyzstan and involved in various surgical interventions. She gained practical experience and exposure to a diverse patient population.

Overall, India Mayhook-Walker found the short-term course at IHSM to be a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth. She was impressed by the dedication and resourcefulness of the medical staff in delivering quality care to patients. India Mayhook-Walker also appreciated the chance to learn from experienced surgeons and interact with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Watch a video featuring India Mayhook-Walker