Training "Quality Assurance Methodology in line with ESG"

Dear Partners, 
We are pleased to announce an upcoming training session as part of the DEFA Erasmus+ project! 

The International Higher School of Medicine invites the Quality Assurance Group of the DEFA Erasmus+ project to participate in the "Quality Assurance methodology in line with ESG" training sessions related to Work Package 4 - Quality Assurance System. This training will take place on October 16-17, 2023, in an offline form. 

The training will be conducted by Ms. V.T. Omuralieva, an External Quality Expert in quality assessment and monitoring, Expert from the European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (CESIE) in Italy, and Ms. M.K. Karagulova, an expert in quality. These experts will share their knowledge and experience in this unique training opportunity.  

What to expect: 

  • A deep dive into the topic of project monitoring and quality assessment. 
  • Knowledge exchange with an expert from Italy. 
  • Practical skills that you can apply in your work. 

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field of quality assurance! Join us for this exciting event. 

Event Details: 
Date: October 16-17, 2023 
Location: International School of Medicine, 5th floor, library / 
Contact: Makhabat Karagulova,, +996707126291 

We look forward to your participation!